Migrating from Medium to Jekyll and Netlify CMS

We at Botsplash recently migrated our blogging platform from Medium to self hosted Jekyll site with Netlify CMS to manage the content.  Let’s look at how you can migrate your blog from Medium to Jekyll and use Netlify CMS to manage the content. We will be hosting our site using... [Read More]

React application performance - Best practices and lessons

Original article posted at <https://botsplash.com/blog/react-application- performance-best-practices-and-lessons-8ef4035ddea6.html> React is one of the most widely used and popular libraries that has seen great adoption from developers in comparison to other libraries. It supports many out-of-the-box techniques to minimize the number of costly DOM operations required to update the UI. Though it automatically... [Read More]

Using AWS Code Suite to automate build and deploy a simple ExpressJS project

Original article posted at <https://botsplash.com/blog/using-aws-code-suite- to-automate-build-and-deploy-a-simple-expressjs-project-86fb359c0358.html> Using AWS Code Suite to automate build and deploy a simple ExpressJS project In today ‘s technology landscape, clients expect a constant flow of updates. They also expect them to be seamlessly deployed. Automating build and deployment process in any project has many advantages... [Read More]

BombBomb video platform on Botsplash

BombBomb is a video email marketing platform that allows users to create and build relationships through video. By using the application, users can send video to their connections from virtually anywhere. Videos can be sent through email, text, or social media – letting the use reach anyone you need to at any... [Read More]

Building Slack app to send and receive Bandwidth SMS

Note* this is an Open Source project , and the codebase is available here If you checked out our previous blog on Bandwidth, you might know that we have integrated Bandwidth cloud communication provide in out conversation platform. APIs are available in order to enable users to buy phone numbers and... [Read More]